Let's get cooking...
There are so many factors that go into selecting the right appliances for your home and understanding where that puts your...

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it...." Albert Einstein
Feng Shui, Quantam Physics, Reiki, Cranio-Sacral, Acupuncture are all modalities/practices that work with energy. You may have heard of...

Wood Flooring 101
Selecting the right flooring is an important decision! Flooring can add depth, texture and beauty to compliment other aspects of the...

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued
I wrote this blog a few years back without publishing it. It still holds true to this day. My kids room has gone through several changes...

How much did that bathroom cost?!
I have wanted a claw foot tub for over a decade, dreamed about remodeling my almost 100 year old bathroom since I moved in, and been...

Don't sell your (drapery) short
Crate and Barrel drapery Anthropologie drapery Drapery can do more than filter or block light. Well designed drapery can add...

Secrets of a model home designer
If you read my Design eBook, you know how important the scale of the furniture is in a space. It needs to fit like Goldilocks - too small...

Le Maquillage or How to Pick Paint
As a designer, I have specified paint for several decades. Most paint brands have way too many colors, most of which I would never...

A New Year Filled with Your Favorite Things
2018 has been a year filled with remodels, renovations and beauty! I wanted to take a moment and wish you a New Year filled with some of...

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the Old, but on building t
Change is inevitable. Scary at times, exciting at others and occasionally both. Many times, when I help my clients it is after a major...